API Documentation

GET /accounts/:id/transactions

List all Transactions objects for any individual Account.


Authorization Bearer {token}

URL Parameters

fromDate No. Defaults to current date minus 24 months. String. Date in format YYYYMMDD (or YYYYMMDDhhmmss), UTC. If the institution from which data is requested does not support the selected date range, the API will attempt to automatically correct the date range.
toDate No. Defaults to current UTC timestamp. String. Date in format YYYYMMDD (or YYYYMMDDhhmmss), UTC.
limit No. Defaults to 100. Int. Maximum number of results. Disabled in sandbox. Values greater than 100 are scaled down to 100.
offset No. Defaults to 0. Int. To paginate the results. Disabled in sandbox. Values lower than 0 are changed to 0.
pending No Boolean. To exclude pending transactions from the response, set it to false. Default is true.


total int. Can be used for pagination.
transactions List of JSON objects.
transactions[].amount Float. Amount of the transaction.
transactions[].transactionId String
transactions[].description String. The text descriptor of the transaction.
transactions[].merchantName String. This field is optional.
transactions[].category List of string. Values in the list can be, e.g., “restaurants”, “electronics”.
transactions[].currency String.
transactions[].pending Boolean.
transactions[].location JSON object.
transactions[].location.postal_code string (not always available)
transactions[].location.city string (not always available)
transactions[].location.state string (not always available)
transactions[].location.country string
transactions[].location.address string (not always available)
transactions[].datetime String. Date in format YYYYMMDDhhmmss, UTC.

Status Code

200 Request OK.
400 Input data not correct.
401 User not authorized.